ITC Vegas 2023: Is Your Underwriting Falling Behind?

 In Price Digests Blog

As the countdown to InsureTech Connect 2023 begins, it’s time to explore what awaits you at the world’s largest insurtech event being held in Las Vegas. Price Digests, your trusted source for comprehensive vehicle data, is gearing up to join the action at booth #3169 (alongside Central Analysis Bureau). Our theme? A question that’s been on the minds of so many insurance professionals: Is your underwriting falling behind?

The tagline of this year’s conference, “THE FUTURE OF INSURANCE IS HERE,” couldn’t be more fitting.

In an ever-evolving industry like insurance, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. 

This event promises unparalleled access to tech entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders in the insurance industry. It’s an opportunity to discover the latest innovations, strategies, and technologies that are shaping the future.

But before we fly off happily to explore the future together: we have one question for you: what keeps you up at night? At Price Digests, we care about what challenges you are facing. Imagine being in a race where your competitors have access to critical insights about the business that you don’t. It’s like trying to compete with one hand tied behind your back. The fear of being underpriced due to lack of information can keep insurers up at night.

Price Digests has been the leading valuation tool for Commercial Trucks and Trailers, Passenger Vehicles, Marine, Powersport, RVs, and Ground Maintenance Equipment since 1911.

Our comprehensive data includes VIN Decoding, Cost New and current market values to support Stated Value, and Critical Specs such as, GVW, GCW, isTractor, and the all important Complete or Incomplete indicator.

With access to this wealth of information, you can underwrite and price your business more accurately than your competition. In a world where everyone is using data to gain an edge, falling behind is not an option.

Underwriting accurately is essential, but it’s only half the battle. What if you’re unable to set the right premiums to keep up with rising loss trends? This dilemma can lead to financial setbacks and an inability to adapt to changing market dynamics. Our data is not just about historical information; it’s about powering your future. With Price Digests, you can gain insights that help you navigate the challenging waters of rising loss trends. Stay ahead of the curve and ensure your premiums are where they need to be to remain competitive and profitable.

In addition, Price Digests offers the option to support VIN prefill via API, ensuring ease of submission and accuracy. We’re here to help you automate and streamline your processes, making it simpler for agents, brokers, and carriers to collaborate seamlessly.

As you prepare to attend ITC Vegas, make sure to mark booth #3169 on your map. The future of insurance is unfolding before our eyes, and Price Digests is here to ensure you’re not left behind. Let’s engage in insightful discussions, explore the possibilities of our data-driven solutions, and collectively shape the future of insurance. It’s a journey worth embarking on, and we can’t wait to meet you at ITC Vegas 2023.

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